Geospatial intelligence
for precision farming
Our Technology
Our precision farming application has been developed over the past 21 years and represents a culmination of tested and proven methodologies.
Our data outputs have been used in a range of business cases with varying interests in agricultural monitoring.
Geospatial crop science data is supported by in-season crop monitoring from earth observation technology.
Field level intelligence generated by GeoFarmer®© provides our clients with early detection to anticipate crop stress and prevent unnecessary loss of income.
A full spectrum of 5 crop indicators enhance your ability to monitor the development of an unlimited number of farming operations throughout the growing season. This ability saves companies significant amounts of time on the ground, and prevents considerable sums of revenue loss through early detection.
Your Solution

Early detection of crop stress

Field level management

Farm level performance
What is GeoFarmer?
Who we are

GeoTerraImage has been leveraging Earth Observation to generate information about agricultural cropping patterns for a variety of applications and solutions.
Over the last 24 years, we have provided crop monitoring services to the agricultural industry to help farmers, agribusiness, banks, research groups, and governments, understand the crop seasons they are interested in.
We then turned our expertise, gathered over the years, into a precision farming tool that can be used anywhere in the world.
We give you GeoFarmer ©.

At GeoTerraImage, we strive to be ahead of the curve. We constantly analyze, visualize and optimize our output, to help our clients reach the levels of intelligence they need.
The drive towards food security is at a critical apex, and we strive to play our part in reducing risks and mitigating crop loss through providing the best early detection platform in the Agtech industry.
We are continually adding functionality to our products to ensure Agronomists and agricultural specialists, financiers and key production stakeholders get the maximum value out of remotely sensed intelligence.

We are always improving our skills in the identification of specific crop types for both irrigated and rainfed fields. This information is used to determine crop area per region for a specific growing season.
Cultivation type analysis provides a summary on the type of agricultural fields and the area, for each type. Land suitability data generated from satellite imagery for new agricultural development provides information to select the optimal terrain for crop production. Factors such as drainage, topography, soils, rainfall and natural vegetation are considered to identify the appropriate landscape for specific crop types.
Navigate here for more information on these applications.